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AminoA Plus

A highly concentrated natural biostimulant and nutrient source


AminoA Plus is a Biostimulant with a high concentration of amino acids, obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis. It can be used on all crops, including: vegetables, olive trees, fruit trees, citrus trees, vineyards, banana plantations, gardens, ornamental plants and lawns.

AminoA Plus is made of 100% Active Ingredient without any fillers ot inert materials.

100% of the Amino Acids found in AminoA Plus are the L-type (L-levogiro).

AminoA Plus also contain 92% organic matter, 12% organic N (Nitrogen), 4% Potassium (K2O) and 440 ppm of absorbable Iron (Fe).

AminoA Plus releases and reinforces different reactions in plant metabolism, its biostimulant action having a similar effect to that of plant hormones and natural growth regulators, as well as acting as a traditional nutrient.

With its high content of nitrogen (N), natural potassium (K), absorbable iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg) AminoA Plus has also a nutritional mode of action which complements its biostimulant effect.

The agreed balance of enzymes, peptides, polypeptides and L amino acids, along with a specific enzymatic process give AminoA Plus unique properties, making it the most innovative, efficient and profitable biological stimulant.

AminoA Plus is manufactured by the plant nutrition division of an international group specializing in nutrition in the human food, health and animal sectors.

AminoA Plus is a unique product intended to meet the most demanding needs of the nutrient and biostimulant sector.

AminoA Plus does the following:

  • Increases root development.
  • Strengthens plant development (leaves and buds).
  • Stimulates the blossom, formation and growth of the fruit.
  • Increases resistance to stressful conditions (cold, heat, drought, plant health treatments , phytosanitary treatments etc.)
  • Facilitates and increases nutrient absorption from the soil and foliage.
  • Promotes earlier and more uniform fruit ripening.
  • Promotes assimilation of calcium in the cells.
  • Extends fruit preservation after harvest.
  • Increases iron and potassium levels in plants.


AminoA Plus dissolves immediately!


AminoA Plus is a micro-granulated product obtained through a system of dehydration new to the plant sector, resulting in a 100% instantly water soluble product.

Eliminates problems from blockages in pipes and filters in the foliar spray application or irrigation systems.

  • 100% Natural product.
  • 100% Active Ingredient.
  • Dissolves quickly and easily.
  • Reduces costs.
  • Lower cost per unit of dried, bioactive matter.
  • Optimises on storage and transport.
  • Improves environmental impact.
  • No remains in the packaging.
  • Minimises handling of used packaging.
Mixed Foods

AminoA Plus Guaranteed Analysis

AminoA Plus Aminogram


Amino acids in AminoA Plus and their characteristics

  • Stimulates chlorophyll synthesis and metabolism in the formation of growth hormones.
  • It is also a precursor of fruit aromas and flavours.
  • Stimulates root growth and also takes part in chlorophil synthesis.
  • Precursor of polyamides that activate cell multiplication.
  • Essential in cases of phosphorus deficiency (as shown by Rabe & Lowatt 1904) and in deficiences of other elements such as Magnezium (Mg), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Manganese (Mn), and Zink (Zn).
  • Very common in the soil.
  • Involved in the formation of Nitrogen reserves.
  • Regulates production related processes.
  • Improves pollen germination, activates development of growth tissues (meristems).
  • Stimulates growth of young leaves.
  • Provides resistance in stress situations, enhances photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis.
  • Takes part in chlorophyll synthesis and has a chelating effect.
  • Involved in the formation of young leaves.
  • Protein amino acid.
  • Improves phosphorus deficiency.
  • Easy degrades.
  • Essential amino acid.
  • Deficiency can impair root development.
  • Together with Glutamic Acid, it is the most commonly found amino acid in woody tissues, branches and shoots and in olive leaves.
  • Protein amino acid.
  • Assists photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis and stoma opening.
  • Vital link in ethylene synthesis, wich improve fruit ripening.
  • A significant influence in root development.
  • Precursor of lignin, a component of wood and the woody parts of plants.
  • Regulates water balance and takes part in chlorophill synthesis.
  • Improves plants resistance to adverse situations.
  • Has antioxidant properties.


  • Precursor of Indole Acetic Acid, basic hormone in root growth and set.
  • Has antioxidant properties.
  • Easily degrades.


  • Plays an important role in photosynthesis.
  • In chloroplasts (photosystem II), it acts as an electron donor in the reduction of oxidized chlorophyll.
  • Together with other compounds, it is present in olive branches and leaves.
  • Precursor of fruit aromas.
  • Gives resistance to plants in stress situations.


  • As a component of cell osmosis in plants, it causes decrease in hydric losses during drought, improves moisture content of biopolymers and acts as an energy source, increasing the resistance of plants exposed to these conditions.
  • Protects against cold, drought or excess salt stress by strengthening cell walls.
  • Improves pollen germination and fertility.
  • Regulates cell wall metabolism and water by regulating cell osmosis.
  • Consequently, it is important in conditions of drought and extremely high or low temperatures (Steward, Aspinall & Paleg 1981).