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What are biostimulants and what is their role in agriculture?

Agricultural biostimulants include diverse formulations of compounds, substances and micro-organisms that are applied to plants or soils to improve crop vigour, yields, quality and tolerance of abiotic stresses.


Biostimulants foster plant growth and development throughout the crop life cycle from seed germination to plant maturity in a number of demonstrated ways, including but not limited to:


  • Improving the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism to induce yield increases and enhanced crop quality;
  • Increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses;
  • Facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation and use;
  • Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including sugar content, colour, fruit seeding, etc;
  • Rendering water use more efficient;
  • Enhancing soil fertility, particularly by fostering the development of complementary soil micro-organisms


What distinguishes biostimulants from traditional crop inputs?

  • Biostimulants operate through different mechanisms than fertilisers, regardless of the presence of nutrients in the products.
  • Biostimulants differ from crop protection products because they act only on the plant’s vigour and do not have any direct actions against pests or disease.
  • Crop biostimulation is thus complementary to crop nutrition and crop protection.

EBIC (European Biostimulants Council)


How do AminoA Biostimulants products work?

Our products are deliberately designed to have broad spectrum activity as they contain every essential amino-acid that plants synthesise throughout their growth cycle. Therefore, if applied to the plant at any stage from sowing to maturity they can contribute positively to yield and quality if the plant is not already producing an optimal level of amino-acids itself.


We are satisfied that repeated use of our products in combination with other agrochemicals will enhance their effectiveness and produce a yield response in the crop.


Whilst most of our products are registered for use in organic systems, where they give excellent results, the majority of our customers are conventional arable farmers who have realised that the judicious use of biostimulants can boost yields and profits whilst at the same time sustaining the fragile ecosystem in our soils.

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