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“Our trials have shown AminoA products to work very well, and by choosing crop varieties carefully, can show a good level of resistance to disease. Depending on the conditions, I would say AminoA products can reduce the speed of disease development, although eventually you will need to use fungicides.

You have to look at costs, and based on growth analysis margins, I would say it compares well and suggest it can help reduce fungicide use. I am not saying it can be used in every circumstance, but bio-stimulants certainly have their place.”

Dr Syed Shah, Regional Agronomist, NIAB

“For potatoes, I am looking for oversized potatoes as they suit my peeling system so we can get them into vacuum bags quicker, and also for French fries, bigger tubers are better. Organic potatoes return a premium, so it is very cost-effective to use AminoA GRO which has seen me achieve good yields, and very good quality with a uniform shape and more equal tubers.

What I can say, across all our crops, is that AminoA GRO increases uptake of nutrients and organic fungicides, and in vegetable production brings much more uniformed food qualities, which leads to more value.”

Tobias Klenke, Organic Farmer, Central Germany

“I have applied AminoA GRO to a field which was hammered with pigeons, stripping the leaves.Following two applications of GRO, at 1.25l/ha each application, the crop recovered within a couple of weeks, with lots of new root growth.”

Andy Cheetham, Ceres Agri Services, Scotland

A typical nitrogen rate for my wheat crop used to be 180kg/ha – 200kg/ha, but with AminoA BLAAZT I have been able to significantly reduce N while achieving an improved crop. For potatoes, I have completely removed classical nitrogen applications. I would certainly recommend AminoA products to anyone looking to improve soil capacity and to enhance the soil biology for crops.”

Simon Craven, Arable Farmer, East Yorkshire

“I have been using AminoA BLAAZT for the past three years as part of a wider programme to reduce nitrogen applications. By including AminoA BLAAZT in foliar applications for spring crops to relieve stress in wheat, while applying later in OSR at pod fill, I was able to achieve a 40 kg reduction in nitrogen last year. We have still been able to achieve relatively good results with low inputs, and AminoA BLAAZT plays a role in supporting this,”

Colin Chappell, Chappel Farms, Protein Grower of the Year 2023, National Arable & Grasslands Awards, Rawcliffe Bridge Award winner 2022 BFA Arable Farmer Silver Award 2023

“This will be our third season using AminoA products. We have found them to be very beneficial for our crops. We used AminoA FLO on our 1st year with the maize. It grew 11 foot tall, with two healthy cobs. Last year we grew it on our combi-crop wholecrop of beans, triticale and rye. It helped it stay healthy and disease free as we don’t use fungicides. We are in a regenerative agriculture system, and we use very little or almost no chemical or fertiliser on our fields, both grassland and tillage.”

Ken Corrigan, Regen-ag Grower, Ireland

“We have found AminoA ICEAAX has worked well as part of an integrated frost protection strategy. Without quantified results, we are confident that using ICEAAX has provided an extra layer of protection.”

Joel Jorgensen, Managing Director for Viticulture Vinescapes

“We faced a particularly difficult year for Bramley apple growers, with relentless frosts through April and into May. We applied AminoA ICEAAX twice, the day before the frosts came in and then again eight days later as the frost temperature started to get quite low again.

I believe AminoA ICEAAX saved a higher percentage of our crop, and by late November we already had stock in for the next season. ”

Richard Robinson, Apple Grower, Northern Ireland

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