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Independent trial results confirm efficacy improvements with timely applications of natural bio-stimulants from AminoA

Growers are being urged to act now to reduce crop stress, as independent trials demonstrate impressive yield returns and efficacy improvements on crops treated with the AminoA Biostimulant range of biotechnology products.

While in 2018 growers across the country suffered from extended drought conditions, 2019 and 2020 have seen flooding and waterlogging, resulting in compromised root development and limited N uptake on late drilled crops. And now cold, dry winds and lack of rainfall are also inducing stress.

However, independent trials, conducted over the contrasting conditions of 2018 and 2019, are now providing solid evidence that growers can enjoy yield increases and efficacy improvements with the timely application of biological crop stimulants, whilst reducing fungicide inputs.

NIAB and Eurofins trial results


NIAB trials in 2019, showing the effect of AminoA FLO, a highly concentrated I-isomer amino acid complex, on the grain yield of winter wheat, saw 0.73 T/ha yield increases, returning 10.18 T/ha over the control 9.45 T/ha.

The applications were made on 6th and 23rd March 2019 respectively at T0 and T1, with 1.5 litres per hectare, in a low fungicide situation.

Eurofins trial results from 2018 and 2019 also saw impressive results with two different applications of AminoA FLO on winter wheat crops. The first application, in November 2018, resulted in a 0.50 T/ha yield increase over the control, representing a 104.6% improvement. The second application, in March 2019, saw 0.74 T/ha increase, or 106.8%.

During the drought year of 2018, independent Eurofins trials in North Yorkshire, forming part of AminoA’s bio-stimulant registration documentation, showed winter wheat treated at T1 and T2 returning a yield increase of more than 1.2 T/ha.

Eurofins trial results from 2019 also saw winter OSR treated at 3-leaf to return a 0.383 T/ha yield increase.

Case Study


Simon Chaplin, farm director at Triton Farms has been using AminoA’s range of natural bio-stimulant products since first trialling AminoA FLO in 2017, seeing significant improvements in both yields and performance.

“In the drought of 2018 Triton Farms achieved an average yield of 9 T/ha across the Skyfall and Siskin milling wheat crops, all the wheat was on continuous wheat fields ranging from heavy clays to medium clay calcareous loams. 3 litres of AminoA FLO were used,” explains Mr Chaplin.

“9 T/ha would be respectable as a first wheat in any year but to achieve it in continuous milling wheat in a drought growing season convinced us that the positive effect of AminoA had been significant.”

The 2019 harvests across all Triton Farms also impressed, with in-house trials over 36 x 0.5 ha plots of winter wheat showing 0.47 T/ha yield increases when 2 litres of AminoA FLO was applied at early flowering, and 0.31 T/ha when 1 litre was applied at flowering, over a publicly certified weighbridge.

It is not only yield responses that have impressed, but also performance. AminoA FLO contains synthetics and the latest crop penetrant technology, making it suitable for mixing with other agrochemicals to improve crop quality. Importantly, this means the farmer does not have to increase input costs to improve efficacy.

“At Abington Park Farm in 2019, fungicide costs averaged at just £22/ha and herbicides at £32/ha on wheats, while my agronomist confirmed no visible diseases, despite these low input costs,” says Mr Chaplin.

Act now…


Looking at current crops in ground, AminoA managing director, Richard Phillips explains, “The wet weather and delayed drilling on many thousands of hectares has resulted in many crops really struggling with waterlogging and slug damage. Now, cold dry winds and lack of rainfall are further inducing stress.

“It is vital that these crops are encouraged to root strongly and maximise the use of valuable nutrient and moisture resources,” he continues. “We recommend applying AminoA FLO to crops from 3-4 leaves onwards, which in cereals helps maintain tiller numbers, improve N uptake by increased rooting, and influence embryonic ear development.”

AminoA FLO is now used worldwide, and has been applied to everything from pineapples and bananas to grassland. It is recommended that AminoA FLO is included in all fungicidal tank mixes.*

* Do not mix with ALS inhibitor herbicides (HRAC mode of action B). In programmes that include this chemical group apply ALS inhibitor 5-7 days after AminoA FLO.