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AminoA BLAAZT is a hybrid product, combining protected stabilised amine Nitrogen, complexed calcium, micronutrients, and fulvic and humic acid with a broad spectrum of L-isomer amino-acids.

It is formulated to mix with most agrochemicals* and improve their efficiency, meaning less field operations and significant amounts of the crop’s nutritional requirements can be delivered together.

AminoA BLAAZT contains:


  • Nitrogen in the Amine form.
  • Phosphate and potash; essential elements for root and cell wall development.
  • Complexed calcium and boron, helping stimulate continuous root development which increases the plants ability to uptake nutrients and reduce apical dominance.
  • Fulvic and Humic acid - natural growth stimulants.
  • L-isomer amino-acids; increase bio-synthesis of proteins, promote efficient plant growth and increase resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.


AminoA BLAAZT increases profits by:


• Improving yield and quality in all crops
• Effective Nitrogen nutrition
• Increasing uptake of available nutrients
• Reducing overall fertiliser costs
• Improving application accuracy of fertilisers
• Reducing the cost of field operations
• Improving efficacy of other inputs (fungicides etc)
• Tank mixes readily with agrochemicals*
• Reduces the risks of environmental pollution from
the run off of easily leached chemical fertlisers
• Is safe for the environment and the operator






AminoA BLAAZT maximises new root development    
• The 10mm behind the root cap is the most active
area where most H2O and nutrients are absorbed
• Active roots are only active for 7–14 days and older
roots are not functional
• Active new roots are essential for plant growth
• Complexed Calcium together with the amino-acids
in AminoA BLAAZT maximise new root growth
development and the plants ability to maximise the
uptake of available nutrients


AminoA BLAAZT is formulated to mix with most
agrochemicals* and improve their efficiency.
This means less field operations and significant
amounts of the crop’s nutritional requirements can
be delivered together.


Significantly less Nitrogen needs to be applied and
in very fertile soils it may be possible to eliminate
classical Nitrogen application entirely – reducing


• Reducing environmental pollution
• Better application accuracy
• Reduced crop stress
• More branching and pod development in flowering
• Improved root development rather than apical
growth, shorter internodes in wheat










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